Friday, March 28, 2008

Let the Remodel Begin!

So we have now started on the remodel.  Torey has been working a ton as he is swamped at work and then coming home to work on the new kitchen and dining room on weekends. Thepicture above is a "before" the cabinets had not been taken out yet.  Right now it is basically a shell - with great lighting!  Carmel has been helping Torey when she has been over here.  We think it might be therapeutic for her OCD!  

The kids and i have left a few weekends so that he can actually keep working and not worry about nails and hammering.  We go on Vacation to Kennewick to visit family and friends (if we can fit it all in!).  Here are some pictures to show what has been done to date.  So far we are living in the upstairs.  The goal is to have it all complete before the new little chicken gets here in August!  The picture below is a view from the living room into the kitchen.  The wall is now gone along with the ceiling and a bunch of great new can lights.  It is going to be so much more open - we can't wait!  Plus we wont' be making all meals out of the microwave!  

Daddy and the Chickens

Aren't they great!!  I don't know who their mom is, but they are pretty darn cute and they love to snuggle with their Daddy!  Torey will have Mikey "relax" and he will stretch out with his leg crossed over and his arms behind his head - it is hilarious!  Lizzie is just cute as a bug with her wild and crazy personality.  She is quite a performer!


It sure seemed like Spring!  We had great weather in late February and the beginning of March.  As soon as the sun comes out we try to get the kids outside to run and play.   Michael mostly likes the rocks and to see if he can find the biggest rock.  Unfortunately they are more difficult to putt when he "goes back and forward"  (not his first sentence - but somehow??? a close second!)

They both really like to find mud to make different soups and tasty treats! The wonderful winter/spring weather here in Puyallup has made that an easy task!  Sometimes you can even find worms and other neat creatures if you keep looking. Lizzie has turned both of their wheelbarrows and Michael's rocket into stew pots for their delicious dishes of mud, twigs leaves and of course Daffodils for some spring color.